Little Salty
who has been named Aug Blogger of the Month!!
Check out her blog here:
And follow her on Flickr
I’m RAEnbow (Little.Salty) a Second Life adventurer, Mad Pea obsessed beta tester, shopaholic and live music enthusiast!
I live in the UK, mother of 4 cats (uh oh crazy cat lady alert). I’m a wonderful amalgam of geek, Kink, Unicorn Fairy Kitty, and Bubblegum-Goth Princess. Think of me as a fun little lollipop triple dipped in psycho!
When I’m not hosting for the fabulous Music Speaks Management, or shopping, I am usually decorating, taking photos, exploring the grid and not so excitingly attempting to sort my never ending inventory!
*sad face*
My favorite cookie is oat and raisin, and I strongly believe pineapple DEFINITELY belongs on pizza!
– Fight me!