Daddy doesn't need ropes and canes to control you Babygirl... He controls you with a look and his voice...
Daddy uses ropes and canes because he likes them.
What I'm Wearing:
☠ Body: Maitreya - Lara
☠ Head: LeLutka - Brannon
☠ Harness: Fearful Symmetry - Use Me Harness - Black
☠ Hair: [monso] - Gwin Hair /Black & Red
☠ Runny mascara and lipstick: Shiny Stuffs - Lelutka EvoX Pretty Mess
☠ Collar: Short Leash - Splendor Collar - Available at Warehouse Event Aug 23 - Sep 17
☠ Daddy carving: Ladybird - Cheyenne
☠ Rings: Cult - High Princess
☠ Tattoo: Mister Razzor - Hilary Tattoo
☠ Earrings: Vibing - Stella Earrings
☠ Tongue - Sinful Needs- Kall Split Tongue