☠★ Confession 101 - Sea Witch ★ â˜
"I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've...
☠★ Confession 95- Living Dead★ â˜
"Crawl on me Sink into me Die for me Living dead girl Blood on her skin Dripping with sin Do it again Living dead girl" ~ "Living Dead...
☠★ Confession 62- Walk★ â˜
Pantera "Walk" - https://youtu.be/AkFqg5wAuFk "Is there no standard anymore? What it takes, who I am, where I've been belong You can't be...
☠★ Confession 61- All I Think About ★ â˜
Exclusives At Necrosis Event Jan 29th - Feb 12, 202 ☠Dress: Corvus - Think Alison Outfit ☠Eyepatch: Wicca's Originals - Mirage Eyepatch...
☠★ Confession 56- Beauty Inside ★ â˜
I am beautiful with you Even in the darkest part of me I am beautiful with you Make it feel the way it's supposed to be You're here with...
☠★ Confession 55- She's Fierce ★ â˜
She wasn't born herself she found herself over a long and treacherous road and the more treacherous the road became the more of herself...