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☠ ★ Confession 101 - Sea Witch ★ ☠

"I admit that in the past I've been a nasty

They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch

But you'll find that nowadays

I've mended all my ways

Repented, seen the light, and made a switch

To this

True? Yes.

And I fortunately know a little magic

It's a talent that I always have possessed

And dear lady, please don't laugh

I use it on behalf

Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (pathetic)"

~ "Poor Unfortunate Soul" From The Little Mermaid


☠ Crown: Rainbow Sundae - R'lyeh Priestess Crown - Sunken - Exclusive at Chronicles & Legends

☠ Body Tattoo: Rainbow Sundae - Sacred Ritual Tattoo

What I'm Wearing

☠ Body: Maitreya

☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Brannon head

☠ Nails: Ascendant - Pagan Nails

☠ Chest Bite Marks: Ladybird - Cheyenne, Hickies & Bites

☠ Rings: Rawr! - Pagan Nails 04

☠ Face Tattoo: This Is Wrong - Xanthippe makeup

☠ Eye Shadow: Sugarose - Nudity

☠ Lip Blood: True Damage - Crystal Blood Mouth EVO X

☠ Dress: Stories&Co - Midnight Stories - Dress02 - Bloody#2

☠ Necklace: Implings - Witches Pebble Necklace

☠ Hair: MINA Hair - Maya Event

☠ Potion: 13Act - Night Potion - Red

☠ Eyes: FATE - Oculi

Post: Blog2_Post
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