"All you have to do is let me in your room
You can be yourself
You don't have to hide from me I won't tell
I know everyone you've ever trusted has let you down
And you don't want to come out
And show me, show me
A few pictures from your past
And those walls you painted black"

☠ Tattoo: Kaos Tattoo - Daring Tattoo
☠ Outfit: Vobe - Devi Set
What I'm Wearing
☠ Body: Maitreya
☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Kaya Head
☠ Hair: Truth - Apple - Redhead
☠ Earrings: Vibing - Stella Earrings - Onyx
☠ Rings: Vibing - Clara Rings
☠ Body: Legacy- Athletic
☠ Head: Lelutka - Alain
Photo 1
☠ Backdrop: Foxcity - Cozy Bedroom
Photo 2
☠ Location: Sunny's Studio - Couple Bento Pose - 386