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☠ ★ Confession 121 - Awaken ★ ☠

"What lies?

He's finally come alive

Out of these mediocre plentiful things all the time

A steady stream of madness

Conscious to a flood

The clock is ticking for Bad Blood"


☠ Pose: Be My Mannequin? - The One - Exclusive at The Darkness Event Jan 5- 28

☠ Bloody Nose: Landgraff - Brutal Bleed - 001 - Exclusive at Tokyo Zero

☠ Collar: Rainbow Sundae - Cybil Collar

What I'm Wearing

☠ Body: Maitreya

☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Kaya Head

☠ Hair: Mina - Karen - Reds

☠ Shirt: Gabriel - Strap Leather Jacket - Black

☠ Tattoo: KAOS - Destroyer

☠ Glasses: Neverwish - Coffin Sunglasses - Ankh - Black

☠ Face cuts: Landgraff - Survivor Set


☠ Photo taken at Naturally Naughty

Post: Blog2_Post
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