No One Knew
by Mel Firewall
No one knew how he slowly killed the person she was
No one knew how he slowly made her feel like she didn't deserve to be loved
No one knew how the man who said, "I Do", refused to touch her, to kiss her for years
No one saw the pain she kept locked away
No one saw how she walked on eggshells to make sure she didn't set him off
No one saw her love of life die
No one saw her alone in the hospital bed, wondering where he was
No one saw her hide in the closet to get away
No one heard the words "You bitch", "You can't take a fucking joke"
No one heard the promises, only to know that they would never happen
No one heard his laughter when he found out she tried to end her life
No one knew the control he held over her
No one knew that the person they saw of him, wasn't the same man she saw behind closed doors.
No one knew how hard it was to find the strength to rescue herself
No one knew that she took on the fight alone
No one knew, No one believed
No one felt the pain she held onto for so long
No one sees the scars left behind
No one knows she is trying hard to cut those strings of the demons that still try to take control.
** Emotional/Mental abuse is just as harmful as physical and sexual abuse, if you or someone you know is living with this kind of abuse there is help out there!! It's not you, and you don't deserve it no matter what the abuser tries to make you believe. **
☠ Pose: Be My Mannequin? - Leaning Back - Part of Let's Play The Game Marionette series - Exclusive at The Darkness Event Feb 5 - Feb 28
☠ Face cuts: Landgraff - Brutal Marks - Exclusive at Jail Event
What I'm Wearing
☠ Body: Legacy
☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Kaya Head
☠ Outfit: Pure Poison - Tiana
☠ Tattoo: Kaos Tattoo -Kao Honey Tattoo
☠ Glasses: EarthStone - The Classic - Darks
☠ Feet Wrap: Cult - Ariah
☠ Location: Sunny's Studio