""Alright! You sir, how about a shave? Come and visit your good friend, Sweeney You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave I will have vengeance I will have salvation Who sir, you sir? No one's in the chair Come on, come on! Sweeney's waiting I want you bleeders You sir! Anybody! Gentlemen, now don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men Nor a hundred can assuage me I will have you! And I will get him back even as he gloats In the meantime I'll practice on less honorable throats And my Lucy lies in ashes And I'll never see my girl again!""
☠ Eyes: Landgraff - Casanova Eyes - Exclusive at EBento Event opens April 11 @ 12PM SLT
What I'm Wearing
☠ Body: Legacy
☠ Eye And Lip Makeup: Opulein - Nightmare Makeup Set - Exclusive at The Darkness Event Feb 5 -28th
☠ Under eye and band: This Is Wrong - Kobra - Black
☠ Face blood: Landgraff - Hunter Set
☠ Hair: Mina - Maya
☠ Hand blood: Lepunk - Bloody Hands
☠ Blade: CerberusXing - Mizu Occam's Razor
☠ Septum: MoonGlow - Septum Moon - Black