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☠ ★ Confession 145 - Constant Sorrow ★ ☠

"It's time for goodbyes my old lover

I don't think I will to see you again

For I'm bound to ride that southern railroad

Perhaps I'll die on this train

Perhaps I'll die on this train"

"Man of Constant Sorrow" by Charm City Devils


☠Eyes: Landgraff - Euphoric Eyes

☠ Scratches: Landgraff - Scratched Face

What I'm Wearing

☠ Head: Lelutka - Brannon Head

☠ Body: Legacy

☠ Ears: Swallow - Pixie Gauged S for lel Evo X Ears

☠ Glasses: Earthstone - The Classic - Dark

☠ Tattoo: Kaos Tattoo - Glan

☠ Hair: Olive - The Bunni-Chu

☠Septum: OCult- Goth Nose Piercing

☠ Eyeshadow: Sugarose - Valery

☠ Post-it: Minuit - Sticky Notes

Post: Blog2_Post
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