"Gotta raise some hell Before they take you down Gotta live this life
Gotta look this world In the eye Gotta live this life Till you die"
"This Life" by Curtis Stingers & The Forest Rangers
☠ Shirt Jeans and Shoes: EPOCH - Maggie Jeans, Top and Sneakers - Part of 99 Sale Weekend of June 10
What I'm Wearing
☠ Head: Lelutka - Brannon Head
☠ Body: Legacy
☠ Glasses: Inkhole - Triangle Glasses
☠ Necklace: Kibitz - Blair Necklace - Spoiled
☠ Rings: Kibitz - High Rings
☠ Tattoo: Vegas Tattoo - Rising
☠ Pose- Motorcycle Momma at Sunny's Studio