"People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
The streets are uneven when you're down"
"People Are Strange" by The Violent (Doors Cover)
☠ Tattoo: MV Tattoo - Fright Tattoo
☠ Nose Chain: LittleFish - Hope
What I'm Wearing
☠ Head: Lelutka - Brannon Head
☠ Body: Legacy
☠ Eyeliner: WarPaint - Vampyr Set
☠ Hair: Doe - Tea - Racoon
☠ Eyes: Landgraff - Lilith
☠ Scratches: Landgraff - Scratched Face
☠ SMOpulein - M
☠ Lipstick: Opulein - Metallic Lipstick Set
☠ Photo was taken at Sunny's Studio with Thirsty Pose