They'd leave their wives in the dark of night to spy as she danced beneath the moonlight.
- Christy Ann Martine (Excerpt from the poem Salem Witch Trial)
Exclusives Found at Road of Silence Event by Posesion Productions Jan 1- Jan 23:
☠ Dark Love Tartarus Gacha
☠ 4 - Invocation Circle
☠ 7 - Black Crown
☠ 11 - Aura Pop Pentagram
☠ 18 - Catsuit
☠ Black Tattoo
☠ Eyes: Medium Eyes by Madame Noir
Exclusives Found at The Darkness Event by Posesion Productions Jan 5- Jan 25:
☠ Face Tattoo: LILITHIUM - As Above So Below Face Tattoo
What I'm Wearing:
☠ Head: LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5 (free gift until Dec 26)
☠ Body: Maitreya
☠ Hair: .Olive. the Witchling Hair
☠ Lipstick: Izzie's - Black Lipstick (Gift)
☠ Eye Shadow: Izzie's - BOM Layers (Gloom Eyeshadows) (unpacked)
☠ Runic Body Tattoo: Psycho Barbie Runic Tattoo
☠ Chest Jewel: Duckie . torment