“Only a cynic can create horror--for behind every masterpiece of the sort must reside a driving demonic force that despises the human race and its illusions, and longs to pull them to pieces and mock them.”
― H. P. Lovecraft
☠ Pose: Be My Mannequin? - Close Up Set 1(set of four static poses made for waist up photos) - Release For Dark Wednesday Aug 18.
Body And Head:
☠ Body: Maitreya
☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Briannon Head EvoX
What I'm Wearing:
Available at 50 L Friday Birthday Bash Until Sep 3
☠ Necklace: AsteroidBox - Farran Jewelry
☠ Horns: Eliavah ~ Divine Horns
☠ Crown: #LuluB! - Lunaria - Fatpack.
☠ Eyeshadow: Glam Affair - Smoky Makeup 01
Available at Equal10
☠ Gas Mask: .random.Matter. - Kajsa Gas Mask
In Store
☠ Hair: monso- Billie Hair- Black /Red
☠ Tattoo: .: Vegas :. Tattoo - Sweet as Sin
☠ Eyes: Banana Beauty - GROUP GIFT: F13TH
☠ Hickes: Ladybird - Cheyenne
☠ Corset & Skirt: Pare - Spaghettie Skirt & Strap Bustier - Onyx