"Dancing with the dead Lost the Lord and the spiritus sanctus, raving Dancing with the dead Fell in love with the temper of twilight, lust and evil powers
Long ago under skies of starlight Read the words of the secret rhymes Lost her soul to the darkened fire We burn alive for all the time
We all are dancing with the dead Lost our hearts to the spiritus sanctus, praying Dancing with the dead Fell in love with the temper of skylight, God and lethal powers"
☠ Pose: Be My Mannequin? - Beyond The Veil
What I'm Wearing:
☠ Body: Maitreya
☠ Head: LeLUTKA - Brannon head
☠ Bodysuit: Cubic Cherry - Barb Bodysuit HOLO pack
☠ Hair: Mono - Billie Hair - Black & Red
☠ Tattoo: Vegas Tattoo - Blood Rose
☠ Feet wraps w/ blood: Astralia - Bloody Bandage Feet Accessory
☠ Location: Elysion (group membership required)