"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Avery.. one of the greatest friends and sister I can ever ask for. All the craziness we get into together... I will go to the ends of the universe with you, you are def my side kick.
☠ Pose: Be My Mannequin? - To Live
SciFi Expo Oct 8- Oct 17
☠ Space Station: Squirrel's Stuff - SkyRing
☠ Plant: :Tim: Creations - Sci-Fi Fantasy Plant Pot GP45
☠ Work Stations: Dragonsworn - Science Station 2 & 3 (full perm)
☠ Outfits: Brougham Designs - 2390's Women's Uniform
☠ Headgear: GRIMA - Cerebal
☠ Cube companion: Brougham Designs - Companion Cube
☠ Cat robot companion: Solares - CAT-5
What I'm Wearing
☠ Rings: Real Evil - Beast Rings
☠ Hair:
Collab -Avery
☠ Hair: Olive - The Sip Hair