☠★ Confession 208 - If I could start again ★ â˜
"What have I become? My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you...
☠★ Confession 162 - Porcelain ★ â˜
"I saw your face, but it couldn't save me I fell from grace, and I cracked your smile Don't rescue me, I can't escape it Ravenously, feed...
☠★ Confession 110 - Do You Know My Name? ★ â˜
"Just as every cop is a criminal And all the sinners saints As heads is tails Just call me Lucifer 'Cause I'm in need of some restraint...
☠★ Confession 77 - Put You In The Spotlight★ â˜
"Being yourself is one of the hardest thing because it's scary you always wonder whether you'll be accepted for who you really are." ~...
☠★ Confession 73 -In The Darkness, I wait for you ★ â˜
"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? 'Drink,' you ask me. Do you have any idea...
☠★ Confession 55- She's Fierce ★ â˜
She wasn't born herself she found herself over a long and treacherous road and the more treacherous the road became the more of herself...
▓▒░░ █☠★ Confession #45★ ☠░░▒▓█
"Witch of Winter" by Ella Lilja There in the swirling snow, that curves and whips round, within the howling winds of winter. Your dark...